Video library
No Outsiders - Creating a whole school ethos
This session includes strategies for developing curriculum and ethos, as well as lesson and assembly plans .
Looking After Your Mental Health and Wellbeing
This session will detail why staff wellbeing is important and how to spot signs and behaviours which suggest more sel...
Life-friendly schools
This session will outline of the current recruitment and retention landscape. Explore why are we losing so many mid-c...
The power of diverse human stories to support human flourishing
This session provides exploration of how diverse human stories from around the world provide a powerful and captivati...
Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller inclusion
This session will explore the following questions. How do I know if someone is from a Gypsy, Roma or Traveller commun...
Exploring controversies within schools
This session will support in reframing and getting more used to discomfort and controversy, recognising that discomfo...
Big 5 Project: Inside Weather and School Climate
This session includes how Human Values can bring about positive climate change across your school community, how we c...
Anti-Racist Schools
This session includes what it means to be “anti racist”, how we make “unconscious bias” - conscious, what an anti-rac...
Equitable Futures - High Definition
Sarah Bennet, Kim Kemp and Victoria Blakemore explain what the Equitable Futures strand from our Strategic Plan 2022-...
Equitable Futures - Low res
Sarah Bennet, Kim Kemp and Victoria Blakemore explain what the Equitable Futures strand from our Strategic Plan 2022-...
iPad Functionality - Classroom: Using the tools
This video will showcase some of the excellent features available in the Apple Classroom application.
iPad Functionality - Classroom: Adding a student
This video will share how to add a student to a class in the Apple Classroom application.
iPad Functionality - Classroom: Creating a class
This video will introduce the Apple Classroom application and showcase how to create your first class.
iPad Functionality - Keeping your Home Screen tidy
This video will demonstrate the ways in which you can keep your iPad organised and easy to manage.