Video library


Maths Mastery: 5 principles of number

Exploring the key principles of number and how important they are for children’s learning.


Maths Mastery: Subsitising

This video explores the principle of subsitising.


Assessment and Insights 4B: Data transformed into insights

This section looks at the cycle of data, monitoring and staff development.


Assessment and Insights 4A: Data transformed into insights

This section looks at the cycle of data, monitoring and staff development.


Assessment and Insights 2: How to understand and drill in to th...

How to ensure that we explore the offer of children not on track for ARE.


Assessment and Insights 1B: Preparing for target setting and fl...

How to target set and plan long term flight paths.


Assessment and Insights 1A: Preparing for target setting and fl...

How to target set and plan long term flight paths.


Lightspeed Alert: Part 4 - Additional reporting and a proactive...

This is a mini-series of videos designed to support DSLs in understanding and utilising Lightspeed Alert.


Lightspeed Alert: Part 3 - Closing a case

This is a mini-series of videos designed to support DSLs in understanding and utilising Lightspeed Alert.


Lightspeed Alert: Part 2 - Responding to an Alert from Lightspeed

This is a mini-series of videos designed to support DSLs in understanding and utilising Lightspeed Alert.


Lightspeed Alert: Part 1 - Receiving an Alert

This is a mini-series of videos designed to support DSLs in understanding and utilising Lightspeed Alert.


Designing CPD for the platform: Part 3

This is a miniseries of videos that delves into the effective design and delivery of CPD for the platform.


Designing CPD for the platform: Part 2

This is a miniseries of videos that delves into the effective design and delivery of CPD for the platform.


Designing CPD for the platform: Part 1

This is a mini series of videos that delves into the effective design and delivery of CPD for the platform.


Effective Headship 1C

This is multi-unit course that can be worked through from beginning to end or selected based on information and new...


Effective Headship 1B

This is multi-unit course that can be worked through from beginning to end or selected based on information and new...


Effective Headship 1A

This is multi-unit course that can be worked through from beginning to end or selected based on information and new...


How to make a film using powerpoint

Film showing how to make a powerpoint film


Early Career Teacher Induction

ECT registration (along with their mentors (ECMs) and tutors (Induction Tutors)), should be taking place during July ...


Life Lessons and Consent Education

This session will include ways to engage boys in Consent Education in the current climate, what the latest research s...


High Quality Feedback: Pupil Voice

We took the opportunity to gather some pupil voice from schools within our trust. It is excellent to hear how they de...


High Quality Feedback: Workload and Wellbeing

In this phase of the High Quality Feedback course, you can hear more from Hannah Prince and Kelly Forrester at Glebe ...


TBF High Quality Feedback: Union Guidelines

Begin this part of the course by watching Kelly Cursley as she summaries the DfE and union guidance on feedback and h...


High Quality Feedback: Digital Feedback

In this digital age, considering the opportunities, relevancy and appropriateness of digital feedback is essential. W...