Effective Quality First Teaching

53 videos

Inspiring Maths Teachers

Lead Mathematics teachers for KS1 and KS2 talk about using CPD to support teachers to progress towards teaching for m...

Assessment and Insights 1A: Preparing for targe...

How to target set and plan long term flight paths.

Assessment and Insights 1B: Preparing for targe...

How to target set and plan long term flight paths.

Assessment and Insights 2: How to understand an...

How to ensure that we explore the offer of children not on track for ARE.


Why engage in assessment for learning?


Assessment for learning, marking and feedback.

QFT Programme

The IFTL Quality First Teaching Programme.

Coaching and Mentoring 1

Developing QFT through coaching and mentoring.

Integrating Writing

English: The teaching of grammar and spelling.

The English Journey

English: Effective Subject leadership.

Learning by Questions - inputting Maths end of ...

How to navigate LbQ to input your end of year Math's results

Creating digitally for younger learners

This film is the keynote from Lyndsey Stuttard that was used in our Futures INSET on 4/11/24

Classroom Vision

The vision for effective classroom learning.

Coaching and Mentoring 2

How can somebody apply the skills and expertise that they have gained in their own setting to benefit another setting?

Creating Solutions Together

Teaching to directly impact pupil outcomes.

Characteristics of Engaged Children

A vision for effective classroom learning.

Subject Knowledge (English)

English: Priorities and Planning.

Promoting Reading

English: Reading in KS1 and KS2.

Speaking and Listening

English: Priorities for EYFS.

Hot Marking

Feedback through 'hot marking'.

AI Training for any staff who have missed it ...

Learn about how AI works and how to make it work for you!

Emotional Literacy and Zones of Regulation

Emotional Literacy and Zones of Regulation

Deep dive into Emotional Literacy and Zones of Regulation

Successful, Agile Teachers

Being an agile decision maker in the classroom requires knowledge, understanding and self-assurance.

Year 6 Development Group

The video of the first meeting for this group.

Priorities for english teaching

English: The journey through IFtL.

Assessment in Mathematics

With a problem solving approach towards mastery teachers must assess across a wide range of the application of skills.

Learning by Questions advanced features

This film explains some of the more advanced features of LbQ for all colleagues

SEND Strategies

Ensuring every child fulfils their full potential.

Learning by Questions - Year 6 webinar

a webinar hosted by LbQ specifically for Year 6 leads

Priorities for maths teaching

Identifying priorities for subject leaders in schools and ensuring their dissemination to all staff.

Consistency in Maths Teaching

A consistent model is being developed across all schools.

Learning by Questions Year 6 advanced features

This film explains some of the more advanced features of LbQ for Year 6 colleagues

Ofsted training videos

This is the link to the Ofsted Training Videos held on the Ofsted Academy website.

STEM sentences in maths

How to use STEM sentences effectively in the classroom

Video 1 creating and connecting a socrative roo...

Use this video to learn how to set up and connect a Socrative Room with Showbie

Purposeful Learning

Purposeful, designed learning experiences.

SaLT Workshop - Communication Supportive School...

Key strategies in creating communication supportive environments in school

Mr P on iPads

This film is the keynote from Mr P that was used on our Futures INSET on 4/11/24

'Helping Hands - Overcoming disadvantage' with ...

This film is the keynote from Dr Fiona Aubrey Smith that was used in our Futures INSET on 4/11/24

Showbie for Leaders #1

How to use Showbie as a Leader

High Quality Feedback: An introduction

Learn more about our High Quality Feedback course that provides thoughtful and research-based commentary on what high...

High Quality Feedback: Best practice

Start this strand by watching the video from Tom Sherrington detailing what is considered best practice for feedback....

High Quality Feedback: Why we give feedback

Part 3 of our High Quality Feedback course focuses on the science of learning and how we can use this understanding t...

High Quality Feedback: Teacher Toolkit

To put this research into practice, check out these teacher toolkits as they offer an excellent way to develop effect...

TBF High Quality Feedback: Union Guidelines

Begin this part of the course by watching Kelly Cursley as she summaries the DfE and union guidance on feedback and h...

High Quality Feedback: Workload and Wellbeing

In this phase of the High Quality Feedback course, you can hear more from Hannah Prince and Kelly Forrester at Glebe ...

High Quality Feedback: Pupil Voice

We took the opportunity to gather some pupil voice from schools within our trust. It is excellent to hear how they de...

High Quality Feedback: Teach like a champion

Find out what it means to 'teach like a champion' by watching the video by Erin Stewart, and then explore exemplar po...

High Quality Feedback: Digital Feedback

In this digital age, considering the opportunities, relevancy and appropriateness of digital feedback is essential. W...

Assessment and Insights 4A: Data transformed in...

This section looks at the cycle of data, monitoring and staff development.

Assessment and Insights 4B: Data transformed in...

This section looks at the cycle of data, monitoring and staff development.