12 videos

Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 2 of 6

To ensure that the curriculum work is rooted in sound curriculum principles that align with a school’s vision, missio...

Leading the Diverse Curriculum: Session 6 of 6

To explore ‘controversies’ in creating a diverse curriculum to be able to manage the emotional wake of the work.

Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 5 of 6

To create safe spaces in which to authentically activate student and parent voice to gauge how the curriculum is rece...

Emotional Literacy and Zones of Regulation

Emotional Literacy and Zones of Regulation

Deep dive into Emotional Literacy and Zones of Regulation

Strong Schools in IFtL

The Strategic Plan element of strong schools is explored and explained.

Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 1 of 6

Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 1 of 6

To be able to rationalise and clarify the direction of diversity in the curriculum work to ensure that there is share...

Talking with children about SEND

This film explores some books and vocabulary to use when talking with children about inclusion and SEND.

Blossom Bespoke Curriculum Introduction

A brief overview of the BBC for those considering implementing the curriculum for children with complex additional needs

Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 4 of 6

To explore practical mechanisms for curriculum evaluation, considering change models and implementation strategies

SaLT Workshop - Communication Supportive School...

Key strategies in creating communication supportive environments in school

Assessment for learners with high level SEND (p...

This introduces to the assessment requirements from the government for pre-key stage learners and how this works with...

Leading the Diverse Curriculum: Session 3 of 6

Leading the Diverse Curriculum: Session 3 of 6

To explore practical mechanisms for curriculum evaluation, considering a social justice framework​ and implementation...