Early Development

22 videos

Child Initiated Learning

During early development, child initiated learning encourages independent decision makers.


In EYFS, AfL enables tracking towards developmental milestones.

Creating digitally for younger learners

This film is the keynote from Lyndsey Stuttard that was used in our Futures INSET on 4/11/24

Continuous Provision

In EYFS, continuous provision encompasses the everyday learning environment and its evolution to support and challeng...

EYFS Outdoor Space

In EYFS, the outdoors is an essential part of the provision.

Use of adults in EYFS 1

In EYFS, adults plan for children's curriculum needs in the moment and must know both well.

Speaking and Listening

English: Priorities for EYFS.

Maths EYFS

Early years starting points for Maths.

Balanced EYFS

During early development, child initiated learning must be balanced with discrete teaching.

Structured Play

In EYFS, planned and structured play supports successful learning, challenge and motivation.

Phonics in EYFS

The place of Phonics in EYFS.

Trauma informed practice - Tony France [Part 1]

This course explores the impact of complex trauma, often caused by childhood relationships with caregivers, and offer...

Trauma informed practice - Tony France [Part 2]

This course explores the impact of complex trauma, often caused by childhood relationships with caregivers, and offer...

Trauma informed practice - Tony France [Part 3]

This course explores the impact of complex trauma, often caused by childhood relationships with caregivers, and offer...

High quality environments 2

Considering which areas to include in your EYFS area

High quality environments 4

How to celebrate diversity and support the Characteristics of Effective Learning.

Additional Adults within Maths

Additional adults support Maths in early years and Key Stage One.

Passion for Reading

English: Reading in EYFS.

EYFS Unique Child

In EYFS, curriculum planning is framed around the unique child.

High quality environments 1

Considering why the enabling environment is key to the success of EYFS

SaLT Workshop - Communication Supportive School...

Key strategies in creating communication supportive environments in school

Assessment for learners with high level SEND (p...

This introduces to the assessment requirements from the government for pre-key stage learners and how this works with...