Senior Leadership
56 videos

Staff Personal Development
Varied communities of children and adults in IFtL mean that being the best you can be changes in changing contexts.

Creating digitally for younger learners
This film is the keynote from Lyndsey Stuttard that was used in our Futures INSET on 4/11/24
Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 2 of 6
To ensure that the curriculum work is rooted in sound curriculum principles that align with a school’s vision, missio...
Leading the Diverse Curriculum: Session 6 of 6
To explore ‘controversies’ in creating a diverse curriculum to be able to manage the emotional wake of the work.
Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 5 of 6
To create safe spaces in which to authentically activate student and parent voice to gauge how the curriculum is rece...

AI Training for any staff who have missed it ...
Learn about how AI works and how to make it work for you!
Continuous self improvement
At different times, schools within our system can give help to or take help from other schools.
Module 1C Our IFtL one-page SEND profile
This video provides an introduction to the IFtL one-page SEND profile.

Specialist Leaders in Education (SLE's)
Capitalising on the skills of the expert people in the trust.
Early Years Ofsted Part 5
This video covers the Statutory elements of the EYFS. It explores the concept of school readiness, what it may mean ...
Emotional Literacy and Zones of Regulation
Deep dive into Emotional Literacy and Zones of Regulation
Early Years Ofsted Part 4
This video explores Curriculum links, the use of the Environment, adaptions for pupils with SEND links and behaviour
Aspiring Heads Session 2
The themes explored during these videos are Developing self, developing others, holding others to account, culture, f...
Early Years Ofsted Part 3
This video explores the role of the adult, early reading and links with writing in Early Years.

Developing Through CPD
Supporting staff to develop themselves to make the best decisions for children's learning.
The Vision for Headteachers
Working closely with Headteachers enables the identification and celebration of expertise.
Effective Headship - Working with your SLT Part 2
Explore how to run SLT and MLT effectively and efficiently to understand school performance and drive change (Part 2)

Bespoke Training and Development
A web of professional relationships, based on trust, challenge and support, creates opportunities across the family o...
Early Years Ofsted Part 2
This video explores the requirements of an early years curriculum and the importance of your intentional pedagogy and...
Effective Headship - Working with your SLT Part 1
Explore how to run SLT and MLT effectively and efficiently to understand school performance and drive change (Part 1)
Aspiring Heads Session 1 Part 1
Thinking about your next steps as a leader. Join this course and explore your potential leadership journey.
Aspiring Heads - Session 1 Part 2
Links between aspiring headship and the SEE document is the focus of this video
Effective Headship - Reflective Practice
This film considers key principles of reflective practice and some initial ways we can begin to reflect and impact on...
Module 1B Introduction to IFtL SEND offer and s...
The video provides an introduction to our IFtL SEND offer, links to key IFtL strategic documentation and the rational...

Ofsted training videos
This is the link to the Ofsted Training Videos held on the Ofsted Academy website.
Emotional Intelligence by Marie-Claire Parsons
Learn what Emotional Intelligence is and how it can help you and others
Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 1 of 6
To be able to rationalise and clarify the direction of diversity in the curriculum work to ensure that there is share...
Situational Leadership by Marie-Claire Parsons
What is situational leadership and how do we adapt to it?

Being the best you can be
Achieving the best for the next generation of children, through making sure that everyone with a role in a child's li...
Distributed Leadership by Marie-Claire Parsons
What is Distributed Leadership? Watch this and find out more about structures and leadership
Effective Headship - Reflective Practice - Hunt...
This video looks at hunting assumptions we hold about the world and our interactions.
Is leadership really a race?
Sam Strickland from Duston School joins us in this talk to explore leadership, culture and what we bring to our schoo...
Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 4 of 6
To explore practical mechanisms for curriculum evaluation, considering change models and implementation strategies
Auditing your EYFS environment part 1
Reflecting on our learning so far and discussion of audit tools
SaLT Workshop - Communication Supportive School...
Key strategies in creating communication supportive environments in school

'Helping Hands - Overcoming disadvantage' with ...
This film is the keynote from Dr Fiona Aubrey Smith that was used in our Futures INSET on 4/11/24
Effective Headship 1B
This is multi-unit course that can be worked through from beginning to end or selected based on information and new...
Effective Headship 1C
This is multi-unit course that can be worked through from beginning to end or selected based on information and new...
Effective Headship 1A
This is multi-unit course that can be worked through from beginning to end or selected based on information and new...
Leading the Diverse Curriculum: Session 3 of 6
To explore practical mechanisms for curriculum evaluation, considering a social justice framework and implementation...