Middle Leadership

17 videos

Art Development Group Session 1

Art Development Group Session 1

This video talks through updating our knowledge about the current focus on the Art & Design Curriculum by sharing str...

AI Training for any staff who have missed it ...

Learn about how AI works and how to make it work for you!

Early Years Ofsted Part 5

This video covers the Statutory elements of the EYFS. It explores the concept of school readiness, what it may mean ...

Early Years Ofsted Part 4

This video explores Curriculum links, the use of the Environment, adaptions for pupils with SEND links and behaviour

Early Years Ofsted Part 1

Introduction and links between the EY and the Trust vision.

Early Years Ofsted Part 3

This video explores the role of the adult, early reading and links with writing in Early Years.

Bespoke Training and Development

A web of professional relationships, based on trust, challenge and support, creates opportunities across the family o...

Early Years Ofsted Part 2

This video explores the requirements of an early years curriculum and the importance of your intentional pedagogy and...

Leadership in the IFtL culture

Exploring the leadership strand of the Strategic Plan

Leadership and ME! Webinar by Marie-Claire Par...

Dive into leadership and all it's facet's

Emotional Intelligence by Marie-Claire Parsons

Learn what Emotional Intelligence is and how it can help you and others

Situational Leadership by Marie-Claire Parsons

What is situational leadership and how do we adapt to it?

Distributed Leadership by Marie-Claire Parsons

What is Distributed Leadership? Watch this and find out more about structures and leadership

Developing Leaders

Growing Headteachers and Middle Leaders through personal coaching.

Auditing your EYFS environment part 2

Using your audit to inform your assurance plan

Auditing your EYFS environment part 1

Reflecting on our learning so far and discussion of audit tools

SaLT Workshop - Communication Supportive School...

Key strategies in creating communication supportive environments in school