Cognitive Theory

54 videos

QFT Programme

The IFTL Quality First Teaching Programme.

How to share and have Apple Classroom open when...

How to share and have Apple Classroom open when teaching

Rosenshine (10 Principles of Instruction)

A very quick look at Rosenshine's 10 principles of instruction.

What is learning?

An introduction to the course and a brief discussion of what we mean by learning.

Cognitive Load Theory

This clip explains cognitive load theory and how to use its principles in the classroom.

Memory Theories

A very brief overview of how human memory works.

Trauma Informed Practice

This clip explains how trauma informed practice can be easily implemented in the classroom to benefit all students.

Retrieval Practice

This clips explores the principles behind retrieval practice and how to ensure it is used effectively in the classroom.

Video 2 Creating and setting a Socrative quiz

Use this video to learn how to create and set a Socrative quiz

Video 1 creating and connecting a socrative roo...

Use this video to learn how to set up and connect a Socrative Room with Showbie

Beyond EYFS: - Nursery Clip 1

Adult engagement in continuous provision in maths.

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Exploring Autho...

Teacher modelling and exploring the use of vocabulary in a text and the effect this has on the reader.

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Briefing Table ...

Preparing peer leaders in a reading activity.

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Reflection: Pre...

Reflection on PSHE and Reading learning.

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Reflection: Was...

Reflection on a PSHE lesson based in a text.

Reflecting on Year 6 Reading: Lesson Design

Reflecting on planning sequences of teaching that focus on the gaps in learning children have.

Year 6 Reading - Retrieval, Vocabulary, Inferen...

Using skimming and scanning as quick reading skills.

Year 6 Reading - Retrieval, Vocabulary, Inferen...

Modelling the process to answer inference questions in reading comprehensions.

Year 6 Reading - Retrieval, Vocabulary, Inferen...

Modelling the process of answering retrieval questions to aid comprehension. The modelling demonstrates metacognitive...

Year 6 Reading - Retrieval, Vocabulary, Inferen...

Modelling the process of answering vocabulary questions to aid comprehension.

Year 6 Reading - Retrieval, Vocabulary, Inferen...

Modelling reading for meaning with a whole class.

Reflecting on Year 6 Reading: The Journey with...

Reflecting on teaching reading and the learning skills needed as well as the reading skills.

Beyond EYFS: Continuous Provision into Key Stage 2

Using continuous provision throughout school.

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Exploring Autho...

Exploring images and intent to communicate with the reader.

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Exploring Autho...

Using peer leaders to feedback and review learning.

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Exploring Autho...

Groups of children discuss a book and their responses to it

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Exploring Autho...

Exploring authorial intent using focused success criteria.

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Briefing Table ...

Exploring authorial intent using focused success criteria.

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Briefing Table ...

Preparation of children to be leading learners in a lesson on English and authorial intent.

Engaging with Evidence

Ways to engage with the Education Evidence Base to inform your practice.

Reflecting on Year Five Maths - Concrete, Picto...

Articulation of sequence of learning in maths.

Year 5 Maths: Understanding Percentages - Part...

Recalling prior knowledge in maths.

Year 5 Maths: Understanding Percentages - Part...

Whole class modelling and explanation of the equivalence of fractions, decimals and percentanges.

Year 5 Maths: Understanding Percentages - Part...

Modelling the representation of fractions, decimals and percentages in visual number lines.

Year 5 Maths: Understanding Percentages - Part...

Practising the equivalence of fractions, decimals and percentages.

Year Three Writing - Part 5: Positive, Helpful...

Whole class feedback and expectations.

Year Three Writing - Part 4: Drafting a Senten...

Peer feedback during sentence writing.

Reflecting on Year Three Writing: Lesson Backgr...

Articulation of metacognition, self regulation and the use of success criteria in English Pedagogy .

Reflecting on Year Three Writing: Aspects of Fo...

High expectations set in the learning environment.

Year Three Writing - Part 7: Peer Feedback

Writing development and feedback.

Year Three Writing - Part 3: Drafting a Senten...

Writing sentences with a partner and teacher intervention.

Year Three Writing - Part 2: What a Good One L...

Modelling and setting expectations of quality in sentences with grammatical focus.

Year Three Writing - Part 1: Exploring Success...

Setting and exploring success criteria in writing.

Beyond EYFS - Building Independent Learners

Planning provision in KS1 using characteristics of effective learners.

Beyond EYFS: - Nursery Clip 3

Children in continuous provision.

Beyond EYFS: - Nursery Clip 2

Adult engagement in continuous provision in maths.

Beyond EYFS - Consolidating Learning through Play

Consolidating learning in continuous provision.

Beyond EYFS - A Perspective from Year Two

Reflecting on the impact of continuous provision in Year 2.

Beyond EYFS: Building Independent Writers

Writing in continuous provision and the culture and ethos of Early Years through school.

Showbie for Leaders #1

How to use Showbie as a Leader

Video 3 Marking and feedback of Socrative Quizzes

Use this video to learn how to mark and give feedback in a Socrative Quiz.

Video 4 Socrative Shared libraries

Use this video to understand how to use the shared library features of Showbie which helps the management of quizzes ...