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How behaviour might present, what behaviour may be telling us, and how we can support


This video is the third in a four part series exploring the impact of ACES, language, and how we can support

Click the links below to learn more:

Looking Beyond Bad Behaviour - YouTube Pooky Knightsmith.18 minutes 19 seconds Explains how behaviour is communication and what the child might be ‘telling us’ and that it is not personal to the adults.

How Can You Help Us? ( Trauma Recovery UK. 
Children tell us very clearly what as adults not to do and how it does not help them even making their behaviour worse. Useful for all members of staff. 

TOXIC STRESS | Fight, Flight, Freeze & Fawn Explained ( Pooky Knightsmith. 
How children respond, why and what signs of each fight, flight, freeze and fawn we may see and what we can do.