Subject Leadership

27 videos

Art Development Group Session 1

Art Development Group Session 1

This video talks through updating our knowledge about the current focus on the Art & Design Curriculum by sharing str...

The English Journey

English: Effective Subject leadership.

Learning by Questions - inputting Maths end of ...

How to navigate LbQ to input your end of year Math's results

Characteristics of Engaged Children

A vision for effective classroom learning.

Subject Knowledge (English)

English: Priorities and Planning.

Speaking and Listening

English: Priorities for EYFS.

Motivation for Strategic Leadership

The role of the strategic leader.

AI Training for any staff who have missed it ...

Learn about how AI works and how to make it work for you!

Year 6 Development Group

The video of the first meeting for this group.

Priorities for english teaching

English: The journey through IFtL.

Learning by Questions advanced features

This film explains some of the more advanced features of LbQ for all colleagues

Leadership in the IFtL culture

Exploring the leadership strand of the Strategic Plan

Learning by Questions Year 6 advanced features

This film explains some of the more advanced features of LbQ for Year 6 colleagues

Ofsted training videos

This is the link to the Ofsted Training Videos held on the Ofsted Academy website.

Leadership and ME! Webinar by Marie-Claire Par...

Dive into leadership and all it's facet's

Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 1 of 6

Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 1 of 6

To be able to rationalise and clarify the direction of diversity in the curriculum work to ensure that there is share...

Talking with children about SEND

This film explores some books and vocabulary to use when talking with children about inclusion and SEND.

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Reflection: Pre...

Reflection on PSHE and Reading learning.

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Reflection: Was...

Reflection on a PSHE lesson based in a text.

Engaging with Evidence

Ways to engage with the Education Evidence Base to inform your practice.

Art and DT 2

Art and DT subject leadership

Art and DT 3

Art and DT Subject Leadership

Art and DT 5

Art and DT Subject Leadership

Art and DT 4

Art and DT Subject Leadership

Art and DT 1

This course explore subject leadership in Art and DT

Mr P on iPads

This film is the keynote from Mr P that was used on our Futures INSET on 4/11/24

Showbie for Leaders #1

How to use Showbie as a Leader