Curriculum Impact

32 videos


Achieving mastery in Maths through problem solving.

The Deep Dive

How a deep dive in Mathematics is fundamentally different from previous inspection.

Learning by Questions - inputting Maths end of ...

How to navigate LbQ to input your end of year Math's results

Assessment and Insights - 'On Track' Explained

This video will explain the term 'on track' and how we use it in our IFtL schools.

Classroom Vision

The vision for effective classroom learning.

Coaching and Mentoring 2

How can somebody apply the skills and expertise that they have gained in their own setting to benefit another setting?

Characteristics of Engaged Children

A vision for effective classroom learning.

Subject Knowledge (English)

English: Priorities and Planning.

Leading the Diverse Curriculum: Session 6 of 6

To explore ‘controversies’ in creating a diverse curriculum to be able to manage the emotional wake of the work.

Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 5 of 6

To create safe spaces in which to authentically activate student and parent voice to gauge how the curriculum is rece...

Priorities for english teaching

English: The journey through IFtL.

Learning by Questions advanced features

This film explains some of the more advanced features of LbQ for all colleagues

Learning by Questions - Year 6 webinar

a webinar hosted by LbQ specifically for Year 6 leads

Learning by Questions Year 6 advanced features

This film explains some of the more advanced features of LbQ for Year 6 colleagues

Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 1 of 6

Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 1 of 6

To be able to rationalise and clarify the direction of diversity in the curriculum work to ensure that there is share...

Video 2 Creating and setting a Socrative quiz

Use this video to learn how to create and set a Socrative quiz

Blossom Bespoke Curriculum Introduction

A brief overview of the BBC for those considering implementing the curriculum for children with complex additional needs

Video 1 creating and connecting a socrative roo...

Use this video to learn how to set up and connect a Socrative Room with Showbie

Year Three Writing - Part 5: Positive, Helpful...

Whole class feedback and expectations.

Year Three Writing - Part 4: Drafting a Senten...

Peer feedback during sentence writing.

Reflecting on Year Three Writing: Lesson Backgr...

Articulation of metacognition, self regulation and the use of success criteria in English Pedagogy .

Reflecting on Year Three Writing: Aspects of Fo...

High expectations set in the learning environment.

Reflecting on Year Three Writing: Including All...

Making deliberate decisions about provision for individual children to secure progress.

Year Three Writing - Part 7: Peer Feedback

Writing development and feedback.

Year Three Writing - Part 3: Drafting a Senten...

Writing sentences with a partner and teacher intervention.

Year Three Writing - Part 2: What a Good One L...

Modelling and setting expectations of quality in sentences with grammatical focus.

Year Three Writing - Part 1: Exploring Success...

Setting and exploring success criteria in writing.

Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 4 of 6

To explore practical mechanisms for curriculum evaluation, considering change models and implementation strategies

Video 3 Marking and feedback of Socrative Quizzes

Use this video to learn how to mark and give feedback in a Socrative Quiz.

Leading the Diverse Curriculum: Session 3 of 6

Leading the Diverse Curriculum: Session 3 of 6

To explore practical mechanisms for curriculum evaluation, considering a social justice framework​ and implementation...

Video 4 Socrative Shared libraries

Use this video to understand how to use the shared library features of Showbie which helps the management of quizzes ...