Curriculum Delivery
81 videos
Inspiring Maths Teachers
Lead Mathematics teachers for KS1 and KS2 talk about using CPD to support teachers to progress towards teaching for m...
Assessment and Insights 1B: Preparing for targe...
How to target set and plan long term flight paths.
Assessment and Insights 2: How to understand an...
How to ensure that we explore the offer of children not on track for ARE.
Leading the diverse curriculum
This session will explore how to rationalise and clarify the direction of diversity in the curriculum work to ensure ...
Additional Adults in Maths
Additional adults can only reach their potential to support learning with adequate CPD.

Creating digitally for younger learners
This film is the keynote from Lyndsey Stuttard that was used in our Futures INSET on 4/11/24

Coaching and Mentoring 2
How can somebody apply the skills and expertise that they have gained in their own setting to benefit another setting?
Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 2 of 6
To ensure that the curriculum work is rooted in sound curriculum principles that align with a school’s vision, missio...
Leading the Diverse Curriculum: Session 6 of 6
To explore ‘controversies’ in creating a diverse curriculum to be able to manage the emotional wake of the work.
Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 5 of 6
To create safe spaces in which to authentically activate student and parent voice to gauge how the curriculum is rece...
How to share and have Apple Classroom open when...
How to share and have Apple Classroom open when teaching

AI Training for any staff who have missed it ...
Learn about how AI works and how to make it work for you!
Emotional Literacy and Zones of Regulation
Deep dive into Emotional Literacy and Zones of Regulation

Assessment in Mathematics
With a problem solving approach towards mastery teachers must assess across a wide range of the application of skills.

Priorities for maths teaching
Identifying priorities for subject leaders in schools and ensuring their dissemination to all staff.
Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 1 of 6
To be able to rationalise and clarify the direction of diversity in the curriculum work to ensure that there is share...
Video 2 Creating and setting a Socrative quiz
Use this video to learn how to create and set a Socrative quiz

Blossom Bespoke Curriculum Introduction
A brief overview of the BBC for those considering implementing the curriculum for children with complex additional needs
Video 1 creating and connecting a socrative roo...
Use this video to learn how to set up and connect a Socrative Room with Showbie

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Exploring Autho...
Teacher modelling and exploring the use of vocabulary in a text and the effect this has on the reader.
Reflecting on Year 6 Reading: Lesson Design
Reflecting on planning sequences of teaching that focus on the gaps in learning children have.

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Exploring Autho...
Exploring images and intent to communicate with the reader.

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Exploring Autho...
Using peer leaders to feedback and review learning.

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Exploring Autho...
Groups of children discuss a book and their responses to it

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Exploring Autho...
Exploring authorial intent using focused success criteria.

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Briefing Table ...
Exploring authorial intent using focused success criteria.

Year 5 PSHE (linked to Reading) Briefing Table ...
Preparation of children to be leading learners in a lesson on English and authorial intent.

Year 5 Maths: Understanding Percentages - Part...
Whole class modelling and explanation of the equivalence of fractions, decimals and percentanges.

Year 5 Maths: Understanding Percentages - Part...
Modelling the representation of fractions, decimals and percentages in visual number lines.

Year 5 Maths: Understanding Percentages - Part...
Practising the equivalence of fractions, decimals and percentages.

Reflecting on Year Three Writing: Lesson Backgr...
Articulation of metacognition, self regulation and the use of success criteria in English Pedagogy .

Reflecting on Year Three Writing: Aspects of Fo...
High expectations set in the learning environment.

Reflecting on Year Three Writing: Including All...
Making deliberate decisions about provision for individual children to secure progress.

Year Three Writing - Part 3: Drafting a Senten...
Writing sentences with a partner and teacher intervention.

Year Three Writing - Part 2: What a Good One L...
Modelling and setting expectations of quality in sentences with grammatical focus.

Year Three Writing - Part 1: Exploring Success...
Setting and exploring success criteria in writing.

Beyond EYFS - Building Independent Learners
Planning provision in KS1 using characteristics of effective learners.

Beyond EYFS - A Perspective from Year Two
Reflecting on the impact of continuous provision in Year 2.

Beyond EYFS: Building Independent Writers
Writing in continuous provision and the culture and ethos of Early Years through school.

Planning for EYFS
The nursery leader explains how they plan their child centred provision in nursery.
Leading the Diverse Curriculum - session 4 of 6
To explore practical mechanisms for curriculum evaluation, considering change models and implementation strategies
iPad Functionality - Socrative
This video demonstrates how to link Socrative to your Showbie account, create assessments, send them to students, and...
Video 3 Marking and feedback of Socrative Quizzes
Use this video to learn how to mark and give feedback in a Socrative Quiz.
Leading the Diverse Curriculum: Session 3 of 6
To explore practical mechanisms for curriculum evaluation, considering a social justice framework and implementation...
Video 4 Socrative Shared libraries
Use this video to understand how to use the shared library features of Showbie which helps the management of quizzes ...
Assessment and Insights 4A: Data transformed in...
This section looks at the cycle of data, monitoring and staff development.