Induction Processes

21 videos

Bromcom Basics (roles and permissions)

This is the first course a school should complete to learn the basics of Bromcom.

Wellbeing and Time

Time Management and Wellbeing.

Bromcom Student management and communications

This course covers student admissions, student maintenance, pre-admissions and communication maintenance and routines.

Core Values for Wellbeing

Identifying the core values of teaching staff.



Bromcom Clubs and Trips

This course covers all aspects of clubs, trips and wraparound care, including roles and permissions, creating and edi...

Bromcom Accounts Payable

This course covers Bromcom Finance Accounts Payable.

Bromcom Reporting

This course covers built in reports, producing a quick report and producing a mail merge report.

Bromcom MCAS (MyChildAtSchool)

This course covers understanding the desktop parent view of MyChildAtSchool ( MCAS), configuring the various modules ...

Part 1: Vision and rationale 1:1 iPads

This is part 1 in our series of 1:1 iPad videos inducting new colleagues to IFtL.

Part 2: Pedagogical Principles 1:1 iPads

This is part 2 in our series of 1:1 iPad videos inducting new colleagues to IFtL.

Part 3: Safeguarding 1:1 iPads

This is part 3 in our series of 1:1 iPad videos inducting new colleagues to IFtL.

Part 4: Collaborative partnerships 1:1 iPads

This is part 4 in our series of 1:1 iPad videos inducting new colleagues to IFtL.

Part 5: Classroom management 1:1 iPads

This is part 5 in our series of 1:1 iPad videos inducting new colleagues to IFtL.

Managing Challenges

Dealing with perfectionists.

Part 6: Digital workbook 1:1 iPads

This is part 6 in our series of 1:1 iPad videos inducting new colleagues to IFtL.

Part 7: Support and development 1:1 iPads

This is the final part in our series of 1:1 iPad videos inducting new colleagues to IFtL.

Finding and using the Varsity Tile

How to find and use the Varsity Tile on the IFtL Sharepoint portal

How to navigate the IFtL Learning Platform

This film shows you have to navigate the IFtL Learning Platform

Accessing your payslips

How to access you payslips

Early Career Teacher Induction

ECT registration (along with their mentors (ECMs) and tutors (Induction Tutors)), should be taking place during July ...